
One way ticket
Open return ticket
Fixed return ticket
Departures from Serbia
Departure Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Arrival
Belgrade BAS, Antifašističke borbe 46-48, Novi Beograd, platform 35 15:30 15:30 15:30 15:30 15:30 15:30 15:30 Skopje / Bus station, 21:30
Kumanovo / Gas station 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 Skopje / Bus station, 21:30
Departures from North Macedonia
Departure Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Arrival
Skopje / Bus station 23:59 23:59 23:59 23:59 23:59 23:59 23:59 Belgrade / Bus station - Arrival platforms of BAS, 06:00
Kumanovo / Gas station 00:30 00:30 00:30 00:30 00:30 00:30 00:30 Belgrade / Bus station - Arrival platforms of BAS, 06:00
Tickets prices
Adults Children (from 2 to 12 years) Children up to 2 years
One way Two way One way Two way One way Two way
3000 DIN / 25 EUR / 1600 DEN 6000 DIN / 50 EUR / 3200 DEN 1500 DIN / 12.5 EUR / 800 DEN 3000 DIN / 25 EUR / 1600 DEN 1 DIN 1 DIN

The luggage is charged according to the valid price list 1 st luggage unit 1 EUR or 120 RSD; 2 ND luggage unit- 2 EUR or 240 RSD; 3rd luggage unit -5EUR or 600 RSD; 4th and each following luggage unit -10 EUR or 1200 RSD. Non-standars luggage is charged according to the valid price list – 10EUR or 1200 RSD per luggage unit and it is necessary to announce it in advance.

* The pricelist is applicable from 01.11.2024.

Benefits for loyal passengers

5 used tickets to Skopje or Kumanovo – 6. ticket 1 RSD

To obtain free ticket, please show all 5 previously used tickets.

Tickets can not be older than 2 years and should be addressed to the same name!

Informations and reservations by phone

Belgrade, “FUDEKS” Balkanska 47 : + 381 11 7620255

Beograd, Jurija Gagarina 12B, lokal 9P, prizemlje, zgrada IRIS, Novi Beograd: +381 11 7620255

Požarevac, Moše Pijade BB, Shopping mall “Novi Dom” – local 2 : +381 12 400-453

Pančevo, Svetog Save 2 : +381 13 333406

Skoplje, “SPEKTRA TOURS” : + 389 2 2465950

New bus station – Skopje / lokal 12 Nikola Karev 20

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